Dr. Claudia Nagel is now starting her term as President and CEO of ISPSO. The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations is the only global organization that brings together psychoanalytic and psychodynamic consultants, coaches and academics in the context of organizations. In annual global symposia and regional meetings, research results as well as consulting experiences are shared.

The strategic goals of Claudia Nagel for ISPSO focus on developing an organization that is even more open and attractive to the outside world and acts as a platform for dialogue and sharing of knowledge with partners and interested people and future clients:

„I imagine an organization which is known for its inspirational, intellectual and helpful thoughts and reflections about the emotional states and the undercurrents prevalent in all kinds of organizations, such as corporations, public and political institutions and NGOs. By that I do not mean to network only with the institutions, I rather mean creating human connections to their leaders. I believe we can and should have regular meetings with the leaders of such organizations to discuss their problems through our psychoanalytic perspective on their issues. „